Social Media Guidelines
All of our social media pages will focus on celebrating and supporting our school, students and teachers, as well as sharing important news and communicating event information. We encourage you to share your support, connect with other supporters, and visit frequently for news and updates.
While everyone is welcome and encouraged to comment, our first priority is to protect our students, staff and community members. Comments and/or posts that do not follow this Comment Policy may be removed.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for cyberbullying and/or posts or comments that are political, racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, spam, contain falsehoods or are wildly off-topic, or that libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. We reserve the right to delete comments or topics and even ban users, if needed. Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by Facebook's Terms of Use.
While everyone is welcome and encouraged to comment, our first priority is to protect our students, staff and community members. Comments and/or posts that do not follow this Comment Policy may be removed.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for cyberbullying and/or posts or comments that are political, racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, spam, contain falsehoods or are wildly off-topic, or that libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. We reserve the right to delete comments or topics and even ban users, if needed. Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by Facebook's Terms of Use.