Kindergarten - 8th Grade
anchor: ApplyHere
Enrollment Information
New Family Checklist
Tuition & Tuition Assistance
Uniform Dress Code
Frequently Asked Questions
Supply List
Health Requirements
Handbook & Forms
Thank you for your interest in St. Mary's Catholic School, where Christ is the center of all we do. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. We provide a nurturing, faith-filled learning environment dedicated to educating the whole child. St. Mary's is a place where faith is formed and leaders are born. |
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My children are blessed to be receiving their education at St. Mary's School. The administration, teachers, and staff provide incredible academic instruction centered around Jesus Christ. They truly care about each and every student in that building. St. Mary's is not just a school, it's a family.
Julie Wenger, K and 3rd Grade Parent
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Enrollment Information
Kindergarten through 8th Grade:
Online Registration for new families for the 2025-2026 school year begins February 3, 2025. Applications will be evaluated on February 4 and prioritized according to the Admission Priority below. Your child has not been accepted until you receive an email confirming acceptance and prompting you to complete step 2 of the enrollment process. All Admission Requirements listed below must be fulfilled for an application to be accepted.
Online Registration for new families for the 2025-2026 school year begins February 3, 2025. Applications will be evaluated on February 4 and prioritized according to the Admission Priority below. Your child has not been accepted until you receive an email confirming acceptance and prompting you to complete step 2 of the enrollment process. All Admission Requirements listed below must be fulfilled for an application to be accepted.
anchor: Requirements
Admission Requirements:
- Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 by September 1.
- New families must have visited the school before applying. No exceptions.
No child shall be refused admission on the basis of religion, race, gender, or ethnic origin.
anchor: Priority
Admission Priority:
In order to remain fair to St. Mary’s parishioners and employees, while providing a Catholic education to as many Catholic students as possible, the following priority list will be used:
In order to remain fair to St. Mary’s parishioners and employees, while providing a Catholic education to as many Catholic students as possible, the following priority list will be used:
- Children whose parents are employees of St. Mary’s Church or School.
- Children whose siblings are already attending St. Mary's School & whose parents are practicing Catholic parishioners of St. Mary's Church.
- Children of practicing Catholic parishioners of St. Mary's Church who are enrolling their first child.
- Children of practicing Catholic families from parishes that have no school of their own.
- Children of non-practicing Catholic families or children of non-Catholic families whose siblings already attend St. Mary’s School.
- Children of non-practicing Catholic families or children of non-Catholic families who are enrolling their first child.
If all requirements have been met, including visiting the school, click on Enroll Here at the top of this page and complete the following:
If all requirements have been met, including visiting the school, click on Enroll Here at the top of this page and complete the following:
- Online registration packet
- Pay $22 (per child) Facts Management account maintenance fee; payable online in the application packet (step 1).
- Pay $100 (per child) St. Mary's School registration fee; payable online in the enrollment packet (step 2).
- Submit a copy of birth certificate (can be uploaded to the online packet).
- Release of Records Form if applicable (can be uploaded to the online packet)
- Submit a copy of IEP or 504 (if applicable).
If registration for a grade level exceeds capacity, children will be prioritized according to Admission Priority guidelines. We will call you if a spot opens. If you are offered a spot, you will have 48 hours to accept or decline.
If registration for a grade level exceeds capacity, children will be prioritized according to Admission Priority guidelines. We will call you if a spot opens. If you are offered a spot, you will have 48 hours to accept or decline.
Uniform Dress Code
The students of St. Mary’s Catholic School in Pontiac have the honor of wearing a uniform to school. The uniform is an outward sign to the community that signifies how highly valued education is to the parents and students of our school. Students should wear the uniform with pride and respect for the long tradition of Catholic education at St. Mary’s. If, due to an emergency, it is necessary for a child to come to school without the entire uniform, the child should bring a note from home as to the reason he/she is unable to wear the entire uniform.
St. Mary's School has a uniform dress code to establish a business-like atmosphere in the classroom. It is mandatory that parents support this dress code. They should see that children leave their homes well-groomed and in uniform. There is a correlation between the pride students take in their appearance and the pride they take in their schoolwork and in their school.
Boys’ Uniform
● Navy blue or khaki cotton, polyester, or corduroy pants (no jeans, cargo pants, hip hugger pants, or sweatpants are permitted).
● Belts must be worn if pants have belt loops.
● White or navy blue (long or short-sleeved) polo shirts. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks may also be worn. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. No T-shirts or shirts with emblems are allowed.
● Solid navy blue, khaki, black, or white socks must be worn with pants and shorts.; they may have a logo on them. No patterned socks allowed.
● A plain navy cardigan or school-designated crew neck sweatshirt may be worn over the uniform if desired. Hoodies may not be worn in the classroom as part of the uniform.
Girls’ Uniform
● A navy blue or khaki scooter style skirt (with built-in shorts) OR a solid navy blue or khaki jumper (with shorts underneath). Skirts and jumpers should be of modest length (no shorter than three inches above the knee). Girls may wear solid navy or black leggings under skirts in cold weather.
● Girls also have the option of wearing navy blue or khaki slacks with a belt (no jeans, cargo pants or sweatpants are permitted).
● Belts must be worn if pants have belt loops.
● White or navy blue (long or short-sleeved) knit polo shirts. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks may also be worn. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. No T-shirts or shirts with emblems are allowed.
●Solid navy blue, khaki, black, or white socks must be worn with skirts, jumpers, Capri pants, and shorts; they may have a logo on them. In place of socks, girls may also wear solid navy, khaki, black, or white knee socks or tights. No patterned socks allowed.
● A plain navy cardigan or school-designated crew neck sweatshirt may be worn over the uniform. Hoodies may not be worn in the classroom as part of the uniform.
Hot Weather Dress
During the months of August through September and after spring break through June, both boys and girls have the option of wearing navy blue or khaki walking shorts (no cargo shorts) with their uniform shirts. All other times will be at the discretion of the principal. The shorts must be no higher than three inches above the top of the knee on both boys and girls. Girls may also choose to wear uniform-style Capri pants in navy blue or khaki. If the shorts have a belt loop, a belt must be worn. White, khaki, black, or navy socks must be worn.
Physical Education Uniform
Students in Grades 4 through 8 will wear a P.E. uniform consisting of light blue T-shirts, plain navy gym shorts, white or navy socks, and tennis shoes. No emblems should be worn on clothing. P. E. shorts should be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
Additional Dress Code Requirements
In accordance with Illinois Public Act 102-0360 (SB817), no diocesan school shall prohibit hairstyles historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to, protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists. Students who disrupt the educational process or compromise standards of health and safety will be asked to modify their appearance.
Casual Clothes Days
For an announced casual clothes day, students may wear jeans, sweatshirts, sweatpants, T-shirts, and so on. Shorts and capri pants are only allowed when announced by the principal. For the sake of modesty, any shorts, including those worn for P.E. and/or as part of the uniform, should be no shorter than three inches above the knee. Emblems supporting drug or alcohol use or containing obscenities or material in poor taste are never allowed. Bike shorts, leggings, or other immodest articles of clothing are not allowed. T-shirts must be worn under tank tops.
Compliance with the Uniform Policy
Teachers are to monitor student dress to see that it is in accordance with the dress code described in this handbook. If a student’s dress does not conform to the code, the following actions will be taken:
The students of St. Mary’s Catholic School in Pontiac have the honor of wearing a uniform to school. The uniform is an outward sign to the community that signifies how highly valued education is to the parents and students of our school. Students should wear the uniform with pride and respect for the long tradition of Catholic education at St. Mary’s. If, due to an emergency, it is necessary for a child to come to school without the entire uniform, the child should bring a note from home as to the reason he/she is unable to wear the entire uniform.
St. Mary's School has a uniform dress code to establish a business-like atmosphere in the classroom. It is mandatory that parents support this dress code. They should see that children leave their homes well-groomed and in uniform. There is a correlation between the pride students take in their appearance and the pride they take in their schoolwork and in their school.
Boys’ Uniform
● Navy blue or khaki cotton, polyester, or corduroy pants (no jeans, cargo pants, hip hugger pants, or sweatpants are permitted).
● Belts must be worn if pants have belt loops.
● White or navy blue (long or short-sleeved) polo shirts. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks may also be worn. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. No T-shirts or shirts with emblems are allowed.
● Solid navy blue, khaki, black, or white socks must be worn with pants and shorts.; they may have a logo on them. No patterned socks allowed.
● A plain navy cardigan or school-designated crew neck sweatshirt may be worn over the uniform if desired. Hoodies may not be worn in the classroom as part of the uniform.
Girls’ Uniform
● A navy blue or khaki scooter style skirt (with built-in shorts) OR a solid navy blue or khaki jumper (with shorts underneath). Skirts and jumpers should be of modest length (no shorter than three inches above the knee). Girls may wear solid navy or black leggings under skirts in cold weather.
● Girls also have the option of wearing navy blue or khaki slacks with a belt (no jeans, cargo pants or sweatpants are permitted).
● Belts must be worn if pants have belt loops.
● White or navy blue (long or short-sleeved) knit polo shirts. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks may also be worn. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. No T-shirts or shirts with emblems are allowed.
●Solid navy blue, khaki, black, or white socks must be worn with skirts, jumpers, Capri pants, and shorts; they may have a logo on them. In place of socks, girls may also wear solid navy, khaki, black, or white knee socks or tights. No patterned socks allowed.
● A plain navy cardigan or school-designated crew neck sweatshirt may be worn over the uniform. Hoodies may not be worn in the classroom as part of the uniform.
Hot Weather Dress
During the months of August through September and after spring break through June, both boys and girls have the option of wearing navy blue or khaki walking shorts (no cargo shorts) with their uniform shirts. All other times will be at the discretion of the principal. The shorts must be no higher than three inches above the top of the knee on both boys and girls. Girls may also choose to wear uniform-style Capri pants in navy blue or khaki. If the shorts have a belt loop, a belt must be worn. White, khaki, black, or navy socks must be worn.
Physical Education Uniform
Students in Grades 4 through 8 will wear a P.E. uniform consisting of light blue T-shirts, plain navy gym shorts, white or navy socks, and tennis shoes. No emblems should be worn on clothing. P. E. shorts should be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
Additional Dress Code Requirements
- Shoes: For safety's sake, no crocs, flip-flops or sandals are allowed. These rules apply on field trips and casual days. In colder months, snow boots should not be worn during the school day except for recess. Dress/casual boots (Ugg style) may be worn by the girls during the winter months (November through March).
- Hair: Hair coloring and unnatural or attention-seeking hairstyles are not allowed. The principal will make the final decision if a hairstyle is not satisfactory.
- Make-up: The use of age-appropriate or natural make-up during the school day or to school events is acceptable, but not encouraged.
- Jewelry: Tasteful jewelry will be allowed. Long, dangling earrings or noisy or excessive jewelry should not be worn. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
- Body Piercing and Tattoos: No body piercing or tattoos are allowed. The principal may make decisions regarding other “fads”as problems occur.
In accordance with Illinois Public Act 102-0360 (SB817), no diocesan school shall prohibit hairstyles historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to, protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists. Students who disrupt the educational process or compromise standards of health and safety will be asked to modify their appearance.
Casual Clothes Days
For an announced casual clothes day, students may wear jeans, sweatshirts, sweatpants, T-shirts, and so on. Shorts and capri pants are only allowed when announced by the principal. For the sake of modesty, any shorts, including those worn for P.E. and/or as part of the uniform, should be no shorter than three inches above the knee. Emblems supporting drug or alcohol use or containing obscenities or material in poor taste are never allowed. Bike shorts, leggings, or other immodest articles of clothing are not allowed. T-shirts must be worn under tank tops.
Compliance with the Uniform Policy
Teachers are to monitor student dress to see that it is in accordance with the dress code described in this handbook. If a student’s dress does not conform to the code, the following actions will be taken:
- Verbal Warning.
- Written Warning.
- Contact with parent by email or phone call.
- Conference with parent and child (at this point it is considered insubordination and detentions will follow).
Updated 8/9/24
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child have to be Catholic to attend St. Mary’s School?
No. Currently, 31% of our student population is non-Catholic. All students will participate in religion classes and all spiritual activities as part of our curriculum.
Are scholarships available for tuition?
The full cost of educating a student at St. Mary’s School is approximately $8,398 annually. By the generosity of our parishioners, the parish invests in each student resulting in a base tuition rate of $4,780 per child. Additionally, families are given parishioner and multiple student discounts. Financial assistance is available to income-eligible families. A complete tuition schedule and scholarship information can be found on our website.
Are there any other tuition discounts?
Any family referring a new family to SMS will receive a referral discount.
Are payment plans available?
Yes. Tuition and fees may be paid in one, two, ten, or twelve installments. All payments are made to FACTS Management.
How do I get up-to-date information or calendar changes?
A weekly bulletin is emailed to each family every Thursday. You will also receive texts and emails from our Facts Parent Alert System.
What are the hours of the school day?
Our day begins at 8:00 and we dismiss at 3:00. Bus service is available.
What door do I drop my child off at in the morning?
Parents will enter the parking lot on Chicago Street, stop at the gym doors to drop off their child, and exit onto Howard Street. This is a one-way driveway.
What is the dress code?
Students may wear navy or khaki bottoms and white or navy tops.
Are P.E. uniforms required?
P. E. uniforms are required for students in grades 4 – 8.
Are hot lunch and milk available to students?
Students may bring a sack lunch or order hot lunch from Central School. Milk is available to all students. From time to time, students will have the opportunity to sign-up for special hot lunches, gondola lunches, and pizza lunches. Lunch money is paid online in Facts.
What is required to be a volunteer at the school?
All volunteers must complete the requirements of the Safe Environment Program as mandated by the Diocese of Peoria. There are many opportunities to volunteer at St. Mary’s School. Check with school office for volunteer needs.
Does my child have to be Catholic to attend St. Mary’s School?
No. Currently, 31% of our student population is non-Catholic. All students will participate in religion classes and all spiritual activities as part of our curriculum.
Are scholarships available for tuition?
The full cost of educating a student at St. Mary’s School is approximately $8,398 annually. By the generosity of our parishioners, the parish invests in each student resulting in a base tuition rate of $4,780 per child. Additionally, families are given parishioner and multiple student discounts. Financial assistance is available to income-eligible families. A complete tuition schedule and scholarship information can be found on our website.
Are there any other tuition discounts?
Any family referring a new family to SMS will receive a referral discount.
Are payment plans available?
Yes. Tuition and fees may be paid in one, two, ten, or twelve installments. All payments are made to FACTS Management.
How do I get up-to-date information or calendar changes?
A weekly bulletin is emailed to each family every Thursday. You will also receive texts and emails from our Facts Parent Alert System.
What are the hours of the school day?
Our day begins at 8:00 and we dismiss at 3:00. Bus service is available.
What door do I drop my child off at in the morning?
Parents will enter the parking lot on Chicago Street, stop at the gym doors to drop off their child, and exit onto Howard Street. This is a one-way driveway.
What is the dress code?
Students may wear navy or khaki bottoms and white or navy tops.
- Boys will wear pants. Shorts may be worn during hot weather.
- Girls may wear pants or skirts. Girls in grades K – 3 may wear jumpers. Shorts or capri pants may be worn during hot weather.
Are P.E. uniforms required?
P. E. uniforms are required for students in grades 4 – 8.
Are hot lunch and milk available to students?
Students may bring a sack lunch or order hot lunch from Central School. Milk is available to all students. From time to time, students will have the opportunity to sign-up for special hot lunches, gondola lunches, and pizza lunches. Lunch money is paid online in Facts.
What is required to be a volunteer at the school?
All volunteers must complete the requirements of the Safe Environment Program as mandated by the Diocese of Peoria. There are many opportunities to volunteer at St. Mary’s School. Check with school office for volunteer needs.
Updated 1/24/25
Health Requirements
Handbook & Forms